Explore the collaborative journey of XR2Learn, XR4ED, and MASTER projects in unlocking the potential of XR technology in education. Discover the insights and innovations that shaped the XR community’s future.
The XR2Learn Project: Extended Reality for Learning in New Dimensions
Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Programme, XR2Learn project aims to establish cross-border creation of human-centred XR applications in education. The project will deliver a one-stop shop platform, organised as a Digital Innovation Hub, for all actors involved in the XR-based educational applications supply chain. This platform aims at enhancing training in manufacturing and distance learning scenarios.
By leveraging the European XR industry technologies to empower immersive learning and training, XR2Learn platform will bring XR technology providers, application designers, education experts, application developers, end-users and decision makers in direct communication, collaboration and matchmaking interests, enabling also bottom-up innovation creation.
Starting it’s 4 year run from January 2023, XR2Learn is led by a multidisciplinary team comprised of the following partners: CNIT as a coordinator, F6S, MAG, SYN, LS, UM, HOU, EADTU, EITM CLC South and SUPSI.
Acting as a Virtual Learning Environment (hosted on skillsmove.eu), XR2Learn platform offers to its community the following business and technical support:
- GitLab-based repository of XR content, tools (XR software enablers for learning personalisation), XR applications (starting with 3 open-source, beacon applications acting as pilot demonstrations) as well as complete educational scenarios. The users will also be supported via XR Technical Wiki containing XR user guides, case studies, articles, tutorials & guides to external resources, as well as XR2Learn Educational Framework for instructional designers delivering specific guidelines on how to integrate XR based activities in the educational process.
- Technical training on XR enablers, applications, technologies and on open standards, such as OpenXR and WebXR, coupled with matchmaking opportunities at online and in-person events.
- EUR 4.6M equity-free funding, as well as business development and technical support via 2 Open Calls – for individual applicants or consortia of SMEs/mid-caps and training actors wishing to deliver human-centred XR applications in education. Open Call 1 is aimed at application development for the manufacturing domain, while Open Call 2 supports the application piloting in real life settings.
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Visit the project website: www.xr2learn.eu
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