XR2Learn is offering EUR 4.2M equity-free funding, as well as business development and technical support via 2 Open Calls focused on delivering human-centric XR applications in education.
In these Open Calls, consortia of up to three partners consisting of XR-application user/adopters and of XR-applications developers or single partners are eligible for applying. In both calls, SMEs/mid-caps and training actors including private and public entities are eligible.
The accepted applicants can expect the following benefits:
- 150,000€ to 300,000€ per sub-project
- Business plan development & investment readiness support
- Matchmaking & brokerage events with educational sector
- Technological training & support on XR technologies, applications, and on open standards, such as OpenXR and WebXR
OC1 Application Development
Open Call 1 is aimed at application development for the manufacturing domain. Besides the stated benefits, the participants will be supported in the validation of their application in the lab environment.
OC2 Piloting
Open Call 2 supports the application piloting of new or already developed XR-based applications in real life settings. Coupled with above described benefits, the participants will also receive the end-user validation during workshops for piloting applications.