XR2Learn Catalogue

XR2Learn Catalogue includes efficient indexing, searching and access to an inventory of XR content, tools, applications as well as complete educational scenarios.

XR2 software enablers

Beacon Apps

 XR applications

+ XR Content & Educational Scenarios

Technical Wiki

XR2Learn creates a structured repository where resources relevant to XR-application development are contained and allow easy access to both technical resources as well as dialogues between the members of the community. The repository is implemented as a Wiki that is maintained by the XR2Learn partners and complements the XR2Learn catalogue of solutions on the online Platform.
In addition to all of the above, Wiki is designed to enable an exploration-based approach to all hosted content through structured navigation mechanisms and learning trails, as well as direct access to articles. Click anywhere on this section to access it!

Educational Framework

Systematically develop instructional design guidelines addressing the possibilities introduced by modern XR technologies classified in different dimensions including the physical accessibility of learning content, the educational model (formal vs. informal), support for social interaction, user involvement and degrees of action, degree of immersion and evaluation and assessment techniques.

Technical Trainings

XR2Learn provides technical training on XR enablers, applications, technologies and open standards, such as OpenXR and WebXR, coupled with matchmaking opportunities at online and in-person events. EITM Skillsmove.eu platform, which acts as the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for the project lifetime, is used for providing the training courses. View our demos and trainings by clicking on this section.