Meet the winners of the XR2Learn Open Call 1: CARATE project

Meet the winners of the XR2Learn Open Call 1: CARATE project

Welcome to an exclusive interview with CARATE, one of the winners of the XR2Learn Open Call 1, a collaborative project by WEKIT ECS and ALTEC! CARATE aims to revolutionise astronaut training with XR technology, bringing expertise from across borders in Ireland, Norway, Germany, Italy, and the UK. In this interview, CARATE unveils its mission and approach to transform training in the aerospace industry. Stay tuned to learn more about their innovative journey!


  1. Can you briefly present us your team? What’s your story and what drives you?

CARATE is a joint venture of WEKIT ECS and ALTEC, combining expertise in learning, XR, and aerospace across borders in Ireland, Norway, Germany, Italy, and the UK to digitally transform astronaut training with Mixed Reality technology. We have been looking for the right opportunity to move forward with a specific XR learning solution for space. We turn bleeding edge insights into tangible business opportunities.

  1. In simple words, what is your project about and how is it linked with XR2Learn?

CARATE works on integrating XR learning for Industry 5.0 into the aerospace industry, focusing on scaffolding humans with Mixed Reality and wearable technology using real-time collaboration, gamification, and enterprise interoperability to achieve higher levels of performance. There are few environments equal to the extremity of outer space, and, accordingly, training has to be to the highest quality standards. What works in space – as smart digital learning technology –, however, can help transform other sectors, too.

  1. How did you come up with this project idea and what benefits will it bring to the end users?

We have been active and researching in this area for many years. Recent aspirations for far-reaching human space travel requires reinventing the way training is delivered, and this provides an opportunity for more XR learning with tangible benefits for the astronauts, ground staff, and space enthusiasts. We are putting a passionate wow factor into enterprise learning, with new models for real-world predictive analytics to guide talent and skills development.

  1. In what way is XR2Learn contributing to your own ambitions?

XR2Learn is a catalyst for us, offering us resources and a connected network of innovators. This enables us to move forward in our partnership between WEKIT ECS and ALTEC, accelerating our plans, while providing a guiding framework and feedback with outreach and impact where we need it.

  1. What type of support do you want to receive from the XR2Learn team?

Feedback on both our designs and development plans – business-, technology-, and learning-wise. And as we progress: our implementation, too. Warrant our potential for growth, and provide us with exposure and visibility. We are looking forward to closing shoulders with like-minded entrepreneurs with related problems.

  1. What type of synergies do you want to explore/are already exploring with other XR2Learn teams?

We are a learning technology provider, offering our expertise, services, and product portfolio to other teams across XR2learn and via the Digital Innovation Hub. We are keen to explore further horizontals, especially using our enterprise integration facilities. With other teams, we might share the interest in XR horizon scanning, also around the use of generative AI.

  1. What are your plans for the future when it comes to the development of your ideas & projects?

Seize the window of opportunity that we have identified to become the leading provider of XR solutions for training in the space sector, branching out from our core in astronaut training for ground and space, to remote control and maintenance and real-time operations assistance.